NSW Social Sector Transformation Fund 2021-2022:

In November 2020, the NSW Government established a $50 million Social Sector Transformation Fund (SSTF), to help small to medium sized charities and not-for-profits adapt their operations, and invest in new systems and technologies, so they could continue to provide responsive services to their communities.
In announcing the SSTF, the then NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet
acknowledged the crucial role that small and medium-sized charities and not-for-profits play in the lives of vulnerable people right across the State, and that the sector was hit hard by the pandemic with surges in demand and increased costs of providing COVID-safe services.
The SSTF was rolled out in three parts or 'tranches'.
'Tranche 3' (T3) enabled seven (7) SSTF-funded providers to provide advice, resources and support to small-to-medium-sized NGOs within the NSW health and social service sectors.
The overall objective of SSTF T3 services was to assist eligible not-for-profits to remain efficient, effective and viable.
Tranche 3 service offerings ended on 30 September 2022, with support activities wrapping up shortly thereafter.

Digital and Information Technology Support
Infoxchange provided digital and information technology advisory services, including support in migrating organisational systems to the Cloud, and developing digital capability through the InfoXchange Digital Information Hub, among others.InfoXchange developed and used the following resources to assist SSTF support recipients:a digital capability assessment quiz to identify an organisation's digital capability across five (5) not-for-profit (NFP) digital domains,digital guides,training, anddiscounted NFP products to improve use of digital technologies, among others. Click here to view resources from InfoXchange.

Legal Advice
Justice Connect Not-for-Profit Law provided a range of legal services to help board members, staff and volunteers understand the law, prevent legal problems and increase efficiency.These included free legal advice, resources, governance health checks, and free or low-cost webinars, among others.Justice Connect continues to offer free access to its extensive library of self-help resources for community organisations. Click here to explore over 300+ resources from Justice Connect Not-for-Profit Law.

Governance and Strategy
Social Impact Hub (SIH) provided governance and strategy support through its Professional Impact Network; to help not-for-profits grow, innovate and become more sustainable.Social Enterprise Finance Australia (Sefa) provided a range of strategic analysis, governance support and quality assurance services to help organisations futureproof their operations.View key resources from Sefa or Social Impact Hub.

Leadership and Workforce Development
The Association of Children's Welfare Agencies (ACWA) delivered services focusing on leadership and workforce development.These includedleadership coaching (individual or group coaching) that focused on skills development for leaders and managers;the 'NFP Sustainability in Transition' program, a group workshop/coaching program for senior leaders of NFP organisations;and workshops on relevant leadership topics. Learn more about ACWA's 'Leadership Coaches' and 'NFP Sustainability in Transition Program' here.

Evaluation and Service Delivery
Social Enterprise Finance Australia (Sefa) provided a range of evaluation services, working with organisations to design frameworks that will produce transformative outcomes. Learn about Sefa's customised approach to resourcing organisations.

For Aboriginal NGOs, Aboriginal Health services and non-Aboriginal organisations that service Aboriginal people
AbSec provided small to medium-sized not-for-profits with holistic models of support, includingpractical advice and solutions to help organisations enhance how they do business;identifying organisational needs and developing plans to support growth, increased capacity, effectiveness and sustainability;information, resources, access to training, workforce development, and referrals to develop a more culturally appropriate and skilled workforce . Visit AbSec's SSTF Resource Hub here.
NCOSS SSTF Tranche 3 Projects

Building Resilience for Emergency Responses (BRER)
The NCOSS Building Resilience for Emergency Responses (BRER) project has supported and continues to support bottoms-up approaches to previous and ongoing crises in New South Wales.These have included drought, bushfire, floods and the COVID-19 pandemic.This initiative has ensured that top-down emergency responses are better aligned with on-the-ground context and needs. View resources from NCOSS 'Building Resilience for Emergency Responses' page.

NCOSS 'Vision, Voice, Value' 2022 Conference: Charting a new course for the social service sector
This event, held on 17-18 October 2022, brought together over 150 representatives from small-to-medium sized NFP organisations in a face-to-face setting in Sydney, as well as approximately over 100 virtual participants, including those from five (5) regional 'watch parties'.The two-day event recognised the vital role that the social services sector in NSW played in ‘getting us through’ numerous recent crises. We heard from 'big picture' thinkers, state and regional sector leaders, and local frontline voices.The event leveraged the sector’s collective wisdom, taking stock of what we have achieved, what lies ahead and what is needed for the future.Image credit:Alex Wegner, compliments of The City of Newcastle. The image captures the thoughts and feedback of participants at the regional watch party collaboratively hosted by the City of Newcastle and Mosaic Cultural Connections. Visit NCOSS 'Vision, Voice, Value' 2022 Conference website.
TESTIMONIALS (click buttons to scroll sideways)
What some people have said about the impact of SSTF support on their organisations, and consequently, the communities they serve.



NCOSS provided the information above on behalf of the organisations that received funding from the NSW Government to provide SSTF Advisory and Information Services. These organisations have independent contractual relationships with the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ). NCOSS’ role was to coordinate information, communications, reporting and development of relevant resources.