Love Your Tender - Webinar Series
Back by popular demand!!
Get ready for a new year of writing successful tenders by signing up for this four session webinar series.
The webinars will teach you how to recognise and respond clearly to the tender requirements, demonstrate and communicate to the funder how you will deliver value and benefit, and how to make relevant and strong claims that are supported by evidence.
The program is designed for people with limited grant/tender writing experience however it can also benefit those with experience who want to reflect on and further strengthen their organisation’s grant and tender responses.
Click here to register
Past participants have said:
“I now feel confident in knowing what is expected by the funder and submit your tender accordingly.”
“It broadened out my knowledge, expanding it into outcomes focussed and letting me know there are others out there who struggle with the same things.”
“Most useful were the structures and tools provided to address key areas of success for tender writing. eg demonstrating value for money, highlighting features + benefits, understanding + responding to tender requirements.”
The State Councils of Social Service (COSS) are partnering to once again deliver a webinar series to uncover what every not-for-profit organisation needs to know about effectively responding to government procurement processes delivered through four one hour webinar sessions:
- Getting “tender ready” in the contemporary NGO funding environment – understanding the landscape and what organisations need to do differently.
- Developing and communicating a proposal that benefits your clients, your organisation and the funder.
- Addressing the selection criteria: comprehensively, convincingly and concisely while staying on point and complying with word limits.
- Establishing value and differentiating your organisation.
The interactive webinars will include practical examples, highlight common mistakes to avoid, and offer tips for reducing the time and effort required for submission writing.
This training is based on the NCOSS 2015 workshop Writing Winning Funding Proposals and is a repeat of the highly popular webinar series of the same name held in 2016.
Webinar participants will also receive:
- A copy of all slides and an activity workbook
- 'Top tips' for tender preparation
- A tender response development checklist.
Total cost for attending all four sessions of the Love Your Tender webinar series is:
- $99 (incl. GST) for members of any state/territory COSS including ACOSS.
- $165 (incl. GST) Non-members
The four, one-hour webinar sessions will run from 10:30am-11:30am (AEST) / 10:00am-11:00am (ACST) / 8:30am-9:30am (AWST)
Series Dates:
- Wednesday 15 February 2017
- Wednesday 22 February 2017
- Wednesday 1 March 2017
- Wednesday 8 March 2017
About the presenter
Linda Parmenter is an experienced communicator and the director of Elucid Consulting, a business providing submission development and writing, facilitation and training services for community services sector. With 20 years of experience in policy, program development and systemic advocacy, Linda has worked across all levels of government and in NGOs. Linda has used her comprehensive knowledge of the funding environment and the community services sector to develop and deliver a training package to assist NGOs with developing effective responses to grant and tender processes. Linda has also researched and authored a number of written policy submissions and responses to government procurement processes on behalf of clients including QCOSS, NCOSS, Tenants Queensland and the Total Environment Centre.