Poverty should not determine a child's life chances
NCOSS has launched the 1 in 7 campaign - with 5 ways to ensure the 1 in 7 children experiencing poverty in NSW are not left behind but have the best possible start in life.
The report is the result of talking with members and other stakeholders across the state to hear about what solutions would make a difference to the life chances of the 1 in 7 children living in poverty. The recommendations were also informed by feedback from 400 families across NSW with children experiencing or at risk of poverty.
It's been great to have your input and your experience, now it's time to make change happen!
You know what is recommended and why it’s important for your community. But we need all members of parliament to know too.
You can help by visiting your local member to brief them on the recommendations. Whilst we meet with the Premier and key Ministers in Sydney,join hundreds of NCOSS members across the State who will be meeting with their local member of parliament as well.
We’ve made it easy for you with our advocacy pack with template letters, media releases, key statistics and where we need people to visit. Get what you need right here.