Home Care Packages ProgramNCOSS provides an outline of the implication of the Living Longer. Living Better. reform package for aged care in Australia.
HACC Community Transport ServicesThis submission from the NSW Community Care Issues Forum presents some ideas about how community transport services may be improved as they are transferred to… Read More
Keeping It Social: The Importance of Social Connections in Community Aged CareThis report was compiled by the NSW Community Care Issues Forum to highlight the importance of social interactions and connections made by older people using… Read More
NCOSS Submission to the NSW Disability Inclusion BillThis submission outlines recommendations relating to the Bill, feedback on general aspects of the Bill and related issues and provides detailed feedback and discussion on… Read More
Summary and Analysis: Disability Inclusion Bill 2014This summary and analysis outlines what is in the Disability Inclusion Bill 2014 and points to areas of concern relating to the Bill's successful implementation.
Overview: National Disability Insurance SchemeThis document provides an overview of the principles behind the NDIS, how it will work and where things are up to in NSW.
Submission to the Consultation Draft Disability Inclusion Regulation 2014NCOSS has consulted with members and the NSW Disability Network Forum regarding the draft Regulation, and submits a series of recommendations for consideration.
NSW Children's Services Forum Platform: 2013 Federal ElectionThis document outlines the election priorities identified by the Children's Services Forum for the 2013 Federal Election.
Strengthening Advocacy for NSW Children and Young PeopleThis submission responds to the Discussion Paper: Strengthening advocacy for NSW children and young people. It is concerned particularly with children and young people living… Read More
NSW Aged Care Alliance: Federal Election Issues Kit 2013The Alliance has prepared this Kit to summarise the relevant issues for older people and to present recommendations for action by all Federal candidates.
Fare concessions: Transport concessions and subsidies in NSWThis paper examines systemic issues relating to the development of concession policy, and identifies groups who are unfairly disadvantaged by our current system.
Submission to the review of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public TransportNCOSS responds to the questions outlined in Part 1 of the Review's Issues Paper on behalf of people with a disability, their representative organisations and… Read More