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NSW is full of diverse and vibrant communities. We have a strong economy and a budget in surplus, but not everyone has shared in this prosperity. Inequality is growing. There are too many people who we’re leaving behind, who are doing it tough or are in danger. We need to focus on building strong, safe, inclusive and accessible communities that celebrate diversity and where everyone can thrive. To move in this direction, we, the social and community service peaks in NSW, are calling on the next NSW Government to ensure:

Everyone has a decent, affordable, accessible and safe place to call home

Detailed recommendations here

Children and families have the supports and resources they need to cope with challenges and thrive

Detailed recommendations here

Young people are supported to reach their potential

Detailed recommendations here

Women are safe everywhere - their families, workplaces, in public and online

Detailed recommendations here

Aboriginal people decide their future, and are strong in culture and identity

Detailed recommendations here

People with disability are included and can fully participate in all aspects of community life

Detailed recommendations here

Everyone has access to justice and legal help in times of need

Detailed recommendations here

Engaged and empowered communities

Detailed recommendations here