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Raise awareness about the levels of poverty and disadvantage in your community so that we can influence decision-makers ahead of the upcoming budget

In 2020, NCOSS CEO and Mission Australia’s NSW State Director are the NSW Co-Chairs of Anti-Poverty Week (APW). With all that is happening in 2020, Anti-Poverty Week (APW) has never been more important to shine a spotlight on how we can improve living standards for people in NSW. After months of bushfires, drought and the current economic impact of COVID-19, the face of poverty in Australia has changed. This year APW is supporting two established campaigns: Raise the Rate for Good and Everybody’s Home.

Action 1: Film and upload a short video during Anti-Poverty Week

Share your experience of how COVID-19 has impacted you or your community. Your video could highlight how increased JobSeeker payments are making a difference and should remain, the urgent need for more social housing, or other areas where you are seeing evidence of rising disadvantage and increased demand.

Include key messaging to ensure consistent policy asks

The Federal Budget missed a key opportunity to tackle homelessness and stimulate jobs in the construction industry by investing in social and affordable housing. The NSW Budget will he handed down on 17 November, it is crucial that the NSW Government tackle the issues that the Federal Budget didn’t.

The Federal Budget has left over two million people uncertain about their future by failing to deliver a permanent, adequate JobSeeker rate. We cannot go back to pre-COVID levels – which, for Jobseeker was $40 a day.

Now is not the time to cut payments to people receiving the Coronavirus Supplement (including unemployed people) nor the JobKeeper payment. 

Now is the time to invest in social housing – both to relieve pressure on those living in housing stress and to help stimulate the economy, especially given worse affordability for those renting at the lower end of the market.

Those hit hardest by the recession that are living without paid employment will see no benefit from the Federal Government’s tax cuts. We need to Raise the Rate for Good so that everyone has enough to cover the basics of life, like a roof over their head and food on the table.

Smart economic stimulus generate jobs while addressing much needed social and affordable housing and energy efficiency upgrades for low income households to reduce the cost of energy bills and climate emissions.

We now look to the NSW Government to pick up the slack created by the Federal Government lack of action, particularly on social and affordable housing and supporting the social services industry. The NSW Budget will he handed down on 17 November, and it is crucial that the NSW Government tackle the issues that the Federal Budget didn’t.

Include key facts in your video

Let the evidence speak for itself. NCOSS has pulled together research demonstrating the rise in poverty and disadvantage in NSW and what we can do to address it. See the NSW APW Factsheet and Messaging Guide.

Filming tips

  • Film a short 30-60 sec video on your phone.
  • Use your phone not a webcam.
  • Shoot landscape rather than portrait.
  • Ensure you are facing the light and the light is not behind you.
  • Be in a quiet location.
  • If possible, try and find an interesting backdrop that speaks to who you are and where you are from.

Do not forget to add the following social media handles and tags:

Twitter: @_NCOSS_  @MissionAust @AntiPovertyWeek @EverybodysHome

Facebook: @NSWCouncilofSocialService @MissionAust

Instagram: @mission_aust

LinkedIn: @NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS)  @Mission Australia

Tags: #RaisetheRateForGood #APW2020 #BuildSocialHousing

Action 2: Upload a photo or social media tiles during APW

APW organisers have created a range of social media tiles and videos that you can upload to your social media platforms throughout APW. Post a different tile every day or print out a banner and take a photo of yourself and upload it to social media during APW.

APW social media tiles: